
Two-year limit now applies for plan Certificate of Currency

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From 1 September 2020, lodging parties must now submit a Certificate of Currency for plans lodged more that two years after the survey completion date.

This comes as the final stage for the plan currency time limit under the Conveyancing (General) Regulation 2018 takes effect.

Surveyors can complete the Certificate of Currency using approved Plan Form 6CC available on the NSW Land Registry Services (NSW LRS) website.

A plan older than two years, lodged without a Certificate of Currency, will not be registered and a requisition will be sent to the lodging party. Under the Regulations, further examination of the plan must wait until the Certificate of Currency is lodged with NSW LRS.

The Certificate of Currency will apply to all deposited plans of survey, excluding Survey Information Only Plans, Strata Plans and Compiled Plans.

More information

Registrar General’s Guidelines – Surveyors Certificate

Contact information

Email [email protected] for specific queries, or call NSW Land Registry Services on (02) 8776 3575.