
Sympli passes ‘Category 2’ to operate in Australia as an Electronic Lodgment Network Operator (ELNO)

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The national regulator, ARNECC, has assessed Sympli as meeting the Schedule 3, Category 2 requirements of the national Model Operating Requirements.

Now Sympli has passed ‘Cat 2’, they can commence operations in jurisdictions once they have met the individual requirements of each jurisdiction, and following a rigorous testing process with land registries and revenue offices.

Sympli is a collaboration between ASX Limited and InfoTrack Pty Limited.

Sympli’s entry to the market will bring new benefits to eConveyancing customers that come from a competitive ELNO market—for example, pressure on prices, a wider choice for customers, and incentives for ELNOs to continuously improve services.

Sympli is planning to commence with caveats in Victoria and priority notices in Queensland.

They are then expecting to be operational in the first quarter of 2019 in NSW. To facilitate this timeframe, NSW Land Registry Services is updating registry technology to allow for a more modern, efficient and secure interface between the registry and multiple ELNOs going forward.

We congratulate Sympli for completing Category 2 and look forward to working with them as they transition into NSW.

As new providers establish themselves, we will be updating our training workshops with information on all ELNO’s platforms to support practitioners transition to eConveyancing.

For more information on training and resources to support your transition to eConveyancing please go to our eConveyancing page.